Friday, 22 September 2017

Skye Literacy activity Thursday

Walt: Use and explain several strategies for finding and learning the meaning of unknown words
Walt: Find specific information in a non fiction text

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Skye Phases of the moon

Walt: Use and explain several strategies for finding and learning the meaning of unknown words

Walt: Find specific information in a non fiction text

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Skye Cross Country Recount

Cross Country RecountFile_009.jpeg

You need:\Free stock photos of running · Pexels
  1. Introduction (Hook, who, what, when, where)
  2. 2 - 3 paragraphs
  3. Conclusion

Start here...

On the first day of spring september the 1st we had our cross country day. I woke up at 7:00 clock and got ready for school I remember that I had to get a change of clothes. For our cross country day. So what I said to my mum was. Mum I need black shorts and a yellow t-shirts. So she gave me the things that I needed for cross country .

When I got to school we had morning tea and then we had to get changed to run. All the class's year 1 - 8 had to leave there class at 12: 30. The year ones had to run down and Against the fence and then through the playground and then through the finish line.  Next was the year two’s  and also they had to run at the same thing as the year one’s. After the rum they got to get a Sausage sizzle too.

Then it was our turn to run all the way down to the beach and back to school and also we had to run through the park and then through  finish line and get a drink as well. And I was so scared to run but I run anyway. Also my mum and dad were there to Support me as well as my brothers.

Conclusion :

After I ran I was so hot and my legs were sore. I was so sad because my other friend got over heated. And one was injured. And we had to run through the mud like soldiers. But anyway I was really proud of myself because I tried my best.