Tuesday 14 November 2017

Skye 2017 Athletics Day

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Introduction: Hook, the 4 W’s
Paragraph 1: What is Athletics Day? Which house were you in?
Paragraph 2: What types of sports and events were there?
Paragraph 3: What was your favourite event or part of the day?
Conclusion: Reflect: Do you think you did well? Did your friends do well? What did you think about the whole day?

Start writing here….

On november the 10th we had this athletics day that was being Run by pt england school. It started early in the morning at 9:00.
All the classes in year 1 to 8 had to line up outside of their classes and get ready.

First we have to get changed into our house color clothes. And then we have to put our uniform into our bag’s. And then we have to walk to the courts and line up in our year’s. So I am a year 6 so I have to go and sit in my line.

After we are in our lines we have to go to our first activity.
Our first activity was target ball. There was this kind person that was teaching us target ball.  What we had to do was to get into our colors.
Our first instruction was to try get the ball into the other player's side.

But we had to throw the ball at the other ball’s that were in the square.
Our coach said that the yellow team is in the lead right now.
Then the green team was catching up. It was such a cool game we came second. My team said “ Ohhhhhhhhhhhh no”  we were so sad .after all we came second.

So our next activity was volleyball our volleyball teacher is miss scanlan and also my lovely teacher miss parrant. Our first came we had to verse the green team. So we won the game.
It was had for me because there was a lot of people.

And all the year 6 girls versed each other. I was so scared at that point because there was so much ball’s being thrown at me. And we lost because of the amount of people that got out.

And then it was the end of the day. So we got to go home.

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